Signs that You will be Successful in Life

Welcome to this post, Signs that You will be Successful in Life!

Life is unpredictable, especially when it comes to the future. There is no one who can tell you what is going to happen in the future, nor can anyone tell you what your future is going to be like. Life is a crazy road, and even though you may know where you want to go, that may not always be your final destination.

As said in my last blog on success and failure quotes, everyone has their own definition of success. Some may think it is being famous and wealthy, and others may think it is about being happy with whatever life may bring. Yet, even though one person’s definition of success may vary from another, one thing we all have in common is the desire for it, the desire for success.

As this blog is specifically for teens, most of us do not know what the future will bring us. Personally, I know what my passions are, but I do not know where they will take me. Since most of us are focused on homework during the school year, sports and activities, and most of all, having fun as a teenager, we cannot infer where we will be 20 years from now. Of course, some of us may have goals, but that does not tell us where we will end up in life. For example, if one is interested in the medical field, they may end up a doctor, a surgeon, or any other profession in that area.

All those people who are successful today probably did not know that they would be so successful when they were teenagers. Would Jeff Bezos have known that he would be the richest person in the world? Would Bill Gates have known that he would be the co-founder of Microsoft? Probably not.

As us teenagers are finding more and more about the world around us and about ourselves as well, we start thinking about how our future is going to be like. Will we be happy? Will we be rich? And, will we be successful?

If you are wondering about your future and whether you will be successful, this blog is for you! This article will discuss signs that you will be successful in the future. So without further ado, here are the signs!

1. You are always learning

Signs that you will be successful in life

Learning is not just for school students or college students. It is for every individual who wants to go forward in life. There are many things going on in the world, and if you want to be successful, you have to be on top of those things. It is impossible to be successful if you are clueless about the world around you.

Not only is learning helpful for expanding your horizons, it is also beneficial to your mind. Check out this website on why learning a new skill helps your mind grow stronger. Just by reading the news, watching a TED video, or learning a new skill, you will have higher chances of attaining success. All you need is 10 minutes a day and an open mind.

2. You set goals

signs that you will be successful in life

In many of my previous blogs, I emphasized how crucial it is to set goals. With goals, you have a purpose. With goals, you know what you want to achieve. According to Inc, you can use goals to make right decisions, understand your emotions, and to motivate yourself. “A 2015 study by psychologist Gail Matthews showed when people wrote down their goals, they were 33 percent more successful in achieving them than those who formulated outcomes in their heads.” (psychology today) Goals can be as simple as wanting to get something done or as complex as a 10-year plan leading into the future. But, no matter what type of goal you have, remember, “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible to the visible.” – Tony Robbins

3. You have good habits

signs that you will be successful in life

As teenagers in the 21st century, bad habits are all around us. Spending too much time on social media, having an unreasonable sleep schedule, eating junk food, and much more. However, these habits are harmful to ourselves, and more importantly, our future.

In order to be successful, we must adopt good habits that are beneficial to our health, our happiness, and more. Check out this blog on the daily routines of successful people.

If you spend too much time watching Netflix, you won’t have time to exercise or learn something new. If you sleep and wake up late, you will be lazy and won’t be energetic throughout the whole day. Lastly, if you eat junk food, you will not stay fit and may be prone to health diseases. All of these things may stop us from finding success.

In this article on the importance of habits, the author mentions, “Habits make it possible for us to do things without spending exorbitant mental effort. They make everyday life possible – for good or bad.”

4. You use your failures as motivation

signs that you will be successful in life

“If you learn from defeat, you really haven’t lost.” – Zig Ziglar

Many people think that failure is the opposite of success. It is a negative thing in life. However, failure is actually the reason most people succeed.

Failure gives you a new perspective in which you can use to succeed. If one plan didn’t work, you would need to think of another plan in which you can use to succeed. As said by Thomas Edison, “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Another reason why failure is good is because it gives you new opportunities that you wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. Failure is another shot you have to succeed, not something holding you back from succeeding. It gives you the courage to keep going, to keep fighting against all odds. When you fail, you are learning and growing. (better than success)

5. You can easily adapt to change

signs that you will be successful in life

All throughout life, we experience new things, new ways of living. Life will never be the same all throughout. Because of that, we need to be able to adapt to certain lifestyles, even if it not the lifestyle we want to live in.

Whether in life, school, or your workplace, you need to be able to adapt to change to succeed. As said before, things will not remain the same and will change, whether or not you like it or not. It is important to be able to adjust your point of view or perspective and be flexible so that you can work to the best of your ability, no matter what. For example, when the Covid-19 Pandemic hit, many businesses were shut down. However, there were also many businesses that were able to keep going despite the situation. Why? Because they adapted to change and were flexible with the business strategy.

If they weren’t able to change, those businesses, along with others, would have come to an end. However, by altering their perspectives and changing the business plans and strategies, they were able to keep going.

6. You surround yourself with successful people

7 Types of People Successful People Avoid - Ellory Wells - Medium

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn.

Another sign you are going to be successful is if you hang out with successful people. As said in the quote, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If you spend time with lazy, unproductive people who are bad influences, you will become just like them. For example, if you hang out with people who drink and smoke, there is a chance you will become a drinker and smoker too. (Not intended to insult anyone) On the other hand, if you hang out with people who are positive, productive, and inspiring, you will become like them as well. Changing your friend circle can be hard, but if you want to be successful, you will need to hang out with people who are positive influences.

7. You take responsibility

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By being responsible, you are independent and taking control of situations. You don’t reply on anyone else to do something, nor do you blame anyone else. It is you, and only you, who is taking charge and leading. “Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown.

8. You acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses

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Everybody had different strengths and weaknesses. Some may be creative but unorganized, others may be analytical but uninventive. However, instead of boasting about your strengths and being saddened about your weaknesses, you use both to get yourself to do stuff to the best of your ability. You recognize your strengths and continue to polish them. At the same time, you also recognize your weaknesses and work on improving them. (lifehack)

9. You are confident

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Confidence is all about believing in yourself and being positive. You are not scared when being on-stage, nor are you scared when taking a test or exam. Why? Because you are confident. You know you are going to do well, and even if you don’t, it’s fine. In order to be successful, you need to be confident. You cannot back down or hide from others, you have to face your troubles with your head high and chin up.

10. You stay calm during stressful situations

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There are many instances in life when you feel stressed about something. Whether in school, work, or personal life, there are many things that can stress one out. However, if you are able to stay calm during those times, that is a sign that you will be successful. By staying calm, you are able to keep going and not stop. “The ones who win are the ones who keep going after everyone else has quit.” – Billy Cox

11. You are incredibly driven

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When you are driven, you are focused, dedicated, and are pushing yourself to go forward. “It’s your personal drive that turns your ideas into actions and then into results. It is your personal drive that keeps you going when things get tough. It enables you to bounce back from disappointments and setbacks.” (Dan Lok)

However, if you are lazy and procrastinate a lot, you will not be able to do the things you would do if you were driven. Check out this blog on how to stop procrastinating!

12. You don’t give up

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Obviously, we have heard the phrase “never give up” plenty of times. The reason one sign of being successful is never giving up is that never giving up leads to success. There will be many times in life when you fail, but if you keep going and keep trying, you will find success. If you give up thinking that you can’t succeed, then you won’t. But, if you keep going despite failing, thinking that you will succeed, then you will!

The Takeaway

As a teenager, it can be hard to find out who you are and what you are going to be like in the future. Of course, nobody will be able to tell you the answer to those questions, but it is up to you to change yourself to set yourself up for success. For example, if you spend much time watching TV or being on social media, do something productive instead. For ideas on productive things to do, check out this blog. If you can’t find a purpose for what you want to do, set goals. If you hang out with people who have bad habits and are not a good influence, change your group. If you get discouraged by your failures, just remember that they set you up for success!

There are innumerable ways you can change to improve yourself; check out this website on 13 ways to improve your life. It all depends on you. As said, “Success all depends on the second letter.”

Check out Dan Lok’s video on 7 signs you’re going to be successful! Also, read The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. As a recap, the 12 signs on this blog include:

  1. You are always learning
  2. You set goals
  3. You have good habits
  4. You use your failures as motivation
  5. You can easily adapt to change
  6. You surround yourself with successful people
  7. You take responsibility
  8. You acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses
  9. You are confident
  10. You stay calm during stressful situations
  11. You are incredibly driven
  12. You don’t give up

Let us know in the comments if you can relate to those signs! And most of all, remember that even if you cannot relate to any of the signs, that doesn’t mean that you will not be successful. There are many, many other signs that can show whether one will be successful as well. It is up to you, and only you, to decide whether you will be successful. Be confident, believe in yourself, and you can achieve anything you want!

Good luck on your journey to success!

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