Welcome to this blog on my 2022 New Year’s Resolutions!
It’s almost the end of 2021! I’m still wrapping my head around all the wonderful experiences and memories I had from January till today. It literally felt like yesterday when I was celebrating the beginning of 2012 with my family. I’m super thankful for every second of 2021 and I feel super blessed to have experienced everything I did in the past year.
Last year, my only goal for the new year was to wake up at 7 a.m. every day. While that didn’t happen, I found a better routine midway through the year. But, this year, I want to set more than one goal for the next 12 months of my life.
Throughout the year, I had many aspirations that I wanted to start, but I couldn’t find the discipline to do so. Because the new year is like a fresh start to start clean, now is the perfect time to go after them.
2022 is a whole new year, which means that there should be nothing holding us back from achieving our full potential in 2022.
More than 2/3 of people who set new year’s resolutions give up after the first month, but I’m going to try hard to make sure I don’t become part of that 66% population. So, I’m going to follow the S.M.A.R.T goal-setting method!
The goals in the headings are the general overview of them, so be sure to read the context under each heading to see exactly how I’m going to achieve this!
So, without further ado, here are the goals I am going to go after in 2022:
1. Read 1 book a month

My first goal for the new year is to read 1 book a month. This past year, I only 6 books. And, 3 of them were for school. I definitely need to start reading more books because there are so many benefits that come from them. First of all, I’ll be able to expand my knowledge.
I realized that I don’t enjoy reading fantasy books, so I’m going to read books on personal development, self-growth, and finance.
1 book a month is not a lot, but it’s a starting point for me. Maybe mid-year, I’ll be able to double it.
2. Journal 4 times a week

Around June or July, I made a goal to start journaling. I even had a whole section made out on my Notion page. However, not once have I journaled in the past couple of months. I haven’t had the motivation to start, and I kept making excuses. However, since the new year is coming up, I’m hoping to start then so that I’ll have a fresh start.
I kept the goal of journallng 4 times a week because I know it’ll be hard to journal every day, considering school and other priorities. 4 times seems like a good amount to start.
Instead of doing it online, I decided to do it on paper as that might make me more focused while doing it.
I’m still trying to decide between getting a plain journal or one that already has prompts in it. If you have any journals that you’ve loved using, let me know!
3. Practice gratitude

Thirdly, I’m going to start practicing gratitude more in 2022. This goal is not as specific as the others, but I’m planning on having a section in my journal for “5 things I’m grateful for” or something similar to that. Gratitude is super crucial for happiness, and I think I’ll greatly benefit from practicing it.
We all have so much to be thankful for in our lives, but we don’t realize how blessed we are to be able to have it. I know that’s definitely the case for me. So by practicing gratitude, I’ll be able to feel thankful and blessed for everything I have.
4. Workout 4 times a week

In the first half of 2021, I was crushing my goal of working out consistently. Then, it all came crashing down when school started. I want to get back into my previous routine of working out consistently 4 times a week.
But, one change I want to make is varying the type of exercise. Instead of just strength all 4 days, I’ll incorporate biking and running at least once a week.
One thing I’m going to do to make it easier for me to follow through on this goal is by adding it to my to-do list and also to google calendar. This way, I can stay accountable for it and not make any excuses to not do it.
5. Be more self-aware

Over the past year, I’ve realized that I am not very self-aware. I don’t think before I speak, and I struggle empathizing with others. So, this year, in 2022, I’m going to make an effort to be more aware of myself and my surroundings.
I wrote a blog on how to develop self-awareness as a teenager, and I’m going to follow the tips I wrote in the blog.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to see a difference after following the tips!
6. Spend less time on social media

I’ve realized that the second I get bored, I turn to Instagram. However, that’s not a good habit for me to have and to counter it, I made a plan of immediately getting out of my seat and walking to another room in my house. That’ll take my mind off my phone and direct my attention elsewhere.
I’ll set a limit on my phone for a maximum of 10 minutes on Instagram.
7. Stop hanging out with negative people

Last but not least, I’m going to stop hanging out with negative people. At school, there can be a lot of people who have a negative mindset on the world around them. And not just that, there are a lot of people who spend all their time at school gossiping and talking to others behind their back. Personally, I think that these people don’t spread good vibes and energy. So, it’s in my best interest to slowly back away from them.
I want to surround myself with people who inspire me and motivate me to be the best person I can. Luckily, I have an amazing team over here at TFF who do just that!
The Takeaway:
Setting New Year’s Resolutions are an important part of celebrating the new because it gives you a purpose to look forward to and work hard for for the upcoming 12 months. The new year is a fresh start for you to be whoever you want to be and move on from the past. So, in these last few days of December, take some time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the next!
As a recap, here are my 7 New Year’s Resolutions as 2022 is coming up:
- Read 1 book a month
- Journal 4 times a week
- Practice gratitude
- Workout 4 times a week
- Be more self-aware
- Spend less time on social media
- Stop hanging out with negative people
I just now realized that I set 7 goals, and 7 is ironically my favorite number. So, hopefully, I’ll be able to work hard on these and achieve them! I’ll be staying accountable for these resolutions on our monthly review blogs, so be sure to read those as they come out!
If you want more inspiration for setting your new year’s resolutions, check out this video here! Once you have set your new year’s resolutions, be sure to comment what they are below! I would love to see what your goals for 2022 are!
Along with this, be sure to read our other new year blog posts, one of them being, “Our Reflections on 2022!”
With that, Happy New Year!! I wish you all much happiness and success in 2022!