Welcome to this May 2021 Monthly Blog Review!
Each month we like to write a post about how blogging and our personal lives went throughout the month. We’ll share our new posts, podcast episodes, any news or announcements, and our monthly stats.
New Blog Posts

Here is a list of the new blog posts we published throughout the month:
- April 2021 Monthly Blog Review
- How To Implement the GTD System in Notion
- Definitive Guide On The College Admissions Process
- How to Plan your Life as a Teenager in 2021
- The 50 Stocks In My Portfolio As A Teenager
- How to Motivate Yourself to Work Hard as a Teenager in 2021
- Everything You Need to Know about Minimalism
- How to Create and Stick to a Daily Routine as a Teenager in 2021
- How To Achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early
New Podcast Episodes

Here is a list of the new podcast episodes we published throughout the month:
- Cryptocurrency for Beginners in 2021
- Living Intentionally with Caleb Guilliams
- How to Start a Business As A Teenager in 2021
- The 17 Biggest Lessons I’ve Learned From Business
2 Podcast Episodes A Week
Just two months after launching our podcast, we have decided to increased our uploading schedule to two episodes a week! This was for several reasons:
- We found things were moving a bit too slowly with only one episode a week. We would record an episode and then have to wait several months for it to come out.
- Initially Dani didn’t want to be too involved in the podcast, but she has decided she wants to start doing more podcast recording.
- We started working on a collaboration series with Chase, a fellow teen interested in business, from The Young Entrepreneur’s Rebellion. We plan on doing one episode a week with him.
Needless to say, we have some major changes coming to the podcast! I can’t wait for you guys to see the results of our hard work over the last few months. Make sure you stay tuned to the Teen Financial Freedom Podcast in the weeks to come!
What We Worked On
As we mentioned in our last monthly review, we were hoping to refocus our efforts as a team in the month of May. In April we felt kind of scattered and we were not sure what we should be working on next. We had a meeting with one of our mentors, Caleb Guilliams, which really helped us get realigned. Going forward, we’re working on a few core goals and just trying to have everything else point to those goals.
As of right now, those goals are mostly geared toward creating content. We know that we just need to stay consistent at what we’re doing and eventually we’ll see the results that we want. That’s why this month we focused on writing several blog posts each and recording tons of podcast episodes.
Next month, we hope to start ramping up our monetization efforts. We’ve been saying that for months now, but with summer here, it’s finally time to get after it.
May Statistics

Unfortunately I’m writing this post five days before May even ends because I’ll be busy for the next week or so. That means these statistics aren’t really going to show the full story. But, here’s where our stats stand as of now:
- 7,800 Users
- 23,000 Pageviews
- 148,000 Pinterest Impressions
- 289,000 Google Search Console Impressions
- 5,400 Google Search Console Clicks
We’re so close to 30,000 monthly pageviews which I really think we can hit next month. We’ll see what happens!
Personal Lives
Lets jump into our personal lives throughout the month of May!
May was an emotional roller coaster of a month for me. It seemed like there was something new everyday. Somedays I was incredibly happy and excited. Other days, I was sad, stressed out, or nervous. I think it all stems from this being a major transition period in my life as I graduated high school this month.
The month started out with me being focused and stressed out about wrapping up school. I had some major assignments, presentations, and tests to give before finals week even began. Thankfully all of these went well and I had a huge weight off my shoulder.
I then turned my attention toward working through the next steps for college next fall. It felt great to get my housing and roommate situation figured out. I also spent a decent amount of time working a new job I have as a tax preparer and assistant.
Then finals week rolled around and I had just a few days left of my senior year. My finals went well and I was just focused on trying to soak up the last few senior experiences. I had a lot of fun that week, but also couldn’t help but feel a little sad at the fact that I was leaving.
This last week has been a weird transition week. Coming off the last few days of school, I was incredibly unmotivated and feeling lazy. Thankfully I was able to turn myself around. However, I still have a lot of work that needs to get done before I move into graduation celebrations and a vacation this next week.
Right now, I’m just trying to wrap up the last few things before my summer officially begins!
I recently got back from my trip to Puerto Rico, and boy was it a blast! There’s far too much for me to cover about the trip here, but I’ve written a little post-trip-summary that should be coming out soon. I got to chat for a while with an older gentleman, Buddy, who shared some great life tips with me (one of my favorite parts of the trip/post).
And to be honest, its been quite a while since I’ve sat down and worked on some blog posts, so that’s one of my big tasks at the moment! I have a few written right now and some more on the way, but I know I’m going to need a lot of motivation to get it all done. Sometimes writing is a breeze for me, other times it doesn’t come naturally at all (I’m in the latter phase).
Besides blogging and my trip I just have a few other miscellaneous things to work on in the following weeks, which is mostly just a few small school items and putting my nose to the grindstone on my businesses. I mentioned in a previous monthly update that one of my big goals for the summer is to earn enough cash to pay off my existing student loans. I know it won’t be easy, but it’s worth it.
So, I don’t have much to update y’all on because I’m saving the majority of it for my coming blog posts. You’ll just have to wait and see what the rest is later. 🙂
After tomorrow, I’m officially done with middle school! It’s not that big of a deal, but man, time is flying by so fast. I can literally remember being lost on my first day of 6th grade as if it happened yesterday. As the last few weeks of school were less geared towards learning new material and more geared towards relaxing and not doing too much, my productivity has gone down a bit. I have been watching a lot more TV, and less motivated to complete work. On the flip side, I have a lot more time on my hands to relax, have fun, and enjoy! I am glad that this happened before summer started because I’m really focused on have an energetic and worthwhile summer this year.
The next blog coming out this Sunday is on 10 things you can do to spend your summer productively, and in the introduction, I mention how you have 3 months to either make or break your lifestyle. Personally, my main goal as of now is to improve myself and have a super productive summer. I have a bunch of tasks/goals that I hope to accomplish, but before I get into that, I need to reflect and organize my mind. This week, I’m going to spend some time just thinking about my priorities, commitments, and anything that’s going on in my life, and how I can organize everything and create sort of a life plan. Once I do that, a few tasks/goals I want to complete are:
- Cleaning out and organizing my personal Gmail & Google Drive
- Cleaning out and organizing my school Google Drive so that it’s easier during high school
- Working more on Teen Financial Freedom’s Instagram and creating a social media strategy
- Writing 2 blogs per week (we’ll see how that goes haha)
- Playing tennis more often
Besides this, I am planning on having loads of fun spending time with my family, hanging out with my friends, and working on myself!
Let us know in the comments what your plans for the summer are and how you plan on spending your day!