Welcome to this post on how to get back to work after a vacation as a teenager!
So at the time I’m writing this, I recently came back from an awesome vacation full of loads and loads of fun, happiness, and laughter. I went on a week-long family reunion and I came back with many fond memories that I will never forget for the rest of my life.
Yes, it was an awesome trip. Yes, I 100% enjoyed every single second of it. But, I’m not going to lie, it did have negative effects when I came back.
I probably worked at most 5 minutes throughout the duration of the vacation. Every single day I was out, I slept after midnight. I did not work out any of the days while I was out. I did not eat the healthy foods that I usually love to eat at home.
When I came back from vacation, I only had 1 week till school started. So, I knew I had to hustle. But, it was definitely hard to go back to the routine I had been consistently keeping for over a year.
I found it harder to motivate myself to do the work I normally do after relaxing for a whole week.
However, I did manage to not only catch up with the work I had to do, but also get ahead of my schedule. And, I did that with the 10 tips mentioned below.
We all go on vacations at one point or another. Whether they only last 2 days, 1 week, or 1 month, they might end up messing up with the routine we disciplined ourselves for. But, don’t worry. I got you covered with 10 tips on how to get back to work after a vacation as a teenager:
1. Don’t go back to work right after vacation’s over
The first tip on how to get back to work after vacation is to NOT go back to work right after.
Read that again. ^
Yup, you read that right. It may sound contradicting, but trust me, it actually serves as a base for being as productive as possible post-vacation.
We, especially as teenagers, need time to get back into the groove of things. This gives you space to get back to normal with minimal pressure.
So, build in transition time to prepare and get ready for the work to come. Give yourself time for your mind to adjust to the old but new routine that you need to get back on.
Dring this buffer period, it’s helpful to not schedule meetings. All you should do is give yourself time to chill and be alone with your thoughts.
2. Make a list and prioritize

This is the tip I found most helpful during my transition. After a week of not working, I had no idea what I missed before, what I had to do now, and what I need to do later. So, I took out my journal and started writing. I separated the different areas of work I had, and then made bullet points.
This to-do list should be a list of every single thing you need to complete now that you are back from vacation, regardless of how big or small of a task they are.
The list is a great way to stay on track and accomplish the bare minimum.
But, even though you’ve created the to-do list, you’re not done. Use the list to identify what to prioritize. What do you want to today, delegate for tomorrow, or even do it in a week? Or, what is something that you don’t even have to do?
3. Start with old and small tasks
It also helps to start doing old and small tasks that may not require 100% of your time and energy. This will give you a sense of normality.
You may be tempted to get started right away on a new and big project, but this will only make you crash and burn.
Starting with the small tasks will boost your confidence, as you are having small wins along the way to your big win. After all, it’s all about taking it one step at a time.
4. Go to work with a new set of eyes

I had to come up with a strategy of how to approach a new client about a possible collaboration. Stumped, I decided to wait to connect until after I was done with my vacation. Good thing I did. While I was in a queue for a sandwich (of all places), I got an idea about what I should present that would still be unique and engaging for them.
Maybe you were frustrated with a task before you went on vacation because you couldn’t make it work. After being away from it for a while, you can look at it differently and offer a new perspective. Sometimes you just need time away to get a little jumpstart on your work.
5. Take breaks during the day
Imagine going from working 0 hours a day to 14. That would be super hard to do.
Likewise, it would be super hard from relaxing on vacation to grinding the day after. That’s a recipe for burnout.
That’s why it is super important to take breaks during the day, not even after vacation but every day.
Don’t feel guilty that you hadn’t worked at all so now you have to work extra hard. Everyone takes vacations, we all deserve it.
Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to take a couple of minutes to relax after a few hours of work.
The Pomodoro timer is also a great way to remind yourself to take breaks after 25 minutes. You can even adjust the time to work and the time to take a break.
Do whatever works for you, but always remember to prioritize yourself first!
6. Have a positive attitude

When I was young and I used to get back from vacation, I would get sad thinking that all the fun times are over. However, as I’ve gotten older, I realized that that is not true at all. The fun times are not over. Just because you’re at home now doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun anymore.
I have fun working, whether it’s writing a blog or doing something else. But, if you don’t enjoy your work, it may be time to reconsider what you’re doing.
If you do enjoy your work, then you can have a positive attitude and start grinding! The positive energy you have will translate into your productivity, so you can get as much work done as possible!
7. Clean up

Cleaning up is a part of my pre-work routine. It gives my mind a signal that it’s time to hustle now and stop goofing around.
Likewise, if you just got back from vacation and want to get into the routine of going back to work, start by cleaning up your environment. Make your bed, put things away where it belongs, and try to get rid of your distractions. If your phone is right next to you, put it in another room.
Sorting out everything will help you feel better organized as you start working!
8. Get updates
Whether you went on vacation for 2 days, 2 weeks, or more, things may have changed. And, that’s why it’s always important to get updates when you get back.
Ask your manager, your partner, or anyone in a team for a brief update on what’s new so that you’re on top of your work and know exactly what you need to focus on.
9. Find your purpose

After going on vacation for some time and coming home to a pile full of unfinished tasks, it may be discouraging to get back to work. The same thing happened to me as well.
But then, when I asked myself, “why am I doing this again?” it gave me a deep sense of inspiration and motivation that I got to work within minutes.
Always remind yourself of your purpose, regardless of whether you came back from vacation or not. This will help give you the push you need to continue on your journey and succeed!
10. Just do it!
After you’ve taken the time to relax, make a list, get updates, and clean up, it’s now time to hustle.
I used to find myself wishing that I was still on vacation, but when I stopped wishing and started making things happen, that’s when the game changes.
So, this is your reminder to start grinding. Your future self will reward you for this!
The Takeaway
Vacations are super fun, but what’s not fun is the pile of work you have to complete when you get back home. However, it’s possible to not only make the vacation a good time, but also the process of doing your work. And that’s with the 10 tips listed below:
- Don’t go back to work right after vacation’s over
- Make a list and prioritize
- Start with old and small tasks
- Go to work with a new set of eyes
- Take breaks during the day
- . Have a positive attitude
- Clean up
- Get updates
- Find your purpose
- Just do it!
With these 10 tips, you’ll be able to feel like you’re on vacation even though you’re home. Yup, that’s how beneficial they are. Just try it out next time you come back from a trip!
Before I used these 10 tips, the transition from vacation to work was very rusty, as I wished I was back on the trip and was confused about what tasks I had to complete. If you can relate, these 10 tips are sure to significantly make your transition as smooth as possible!
If you are a student, I highly recommend watching this video on how to get back to studying after a long break!
Jacob also recently wrote a blog called “Why I sometimes struggle to enjoy vacations” which I found really interesting. Read it here!
I hope you not only had an awesome vacation, but found this post helpful so that you’re able to get back to work and be productive! Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to comment down below. With that, good luck and have fun!